Friday, February 08, 2008

Sander Hicks in Sacramento, February 12

The monthly Peace Connection will feature Sander Hicks:

Tuesday, February 12, 2008
6:30 PM
Luna's Cafe
1414 16th Street, Sacramento

Sander Hicks is one of the most provocative media activists of his generation. He runs the Drench Kiss Media Corporation’s retail dynamo, “Vox Pop.” In 1996, he founded Soft Skull Press, Inc. (acquired in 2007 by Winton & Shoemaker). In 2003, Hicks was documented in “Horns and Halos” (HBO/Cinemax) the independent publishing documentary that recorded Hicks’s attempts to get unpopular truths out about G.W.Bush, through the biography Fortunate Son (Soft Skull, 1999). His own book, The Big Wedding (Vox Pop, 2005) breaks new ground on the working-class intelligence assets and whistle-blowers who tried to stop 9/11 from happening. Hicks was also one of the only voices in support of 9/11 truth allowed on the gatekeeper site Alternet.

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